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Workplace discrimination can have terrible effects on a person and can make even the thought of going to work upsetting. Discrimination isn’t always as obvious as harassment, which can still be a form of discrimination. Employment discrimination can also be subtle, but the effect on an employee is still devastating.
In Orange County, there are strict laws against discrimination, and both state and federal laws protect employees. These laws prevent employers from acting against employees unfairly for certain protected characteristics, such as race, gender, or religion. Employment discrimination could take the form of demoting, refusing to promote, firing, decreasing pay or benefits, refusing to hire, or even making your job so unappealing you’re forced to quit.
Legal protection doesn’t prevent discrimination actions from taking place, but it does mean you have the right to file for compensation if you experience it in your Anaheim workplace. Compensation could include lost wages and benefits if you believe employment discrimination costs you a promotion. It may also include compensation for emotional and mental damages.
At the Law Offices of Corbett H. Williams, we know the stress and worry that comes from facing workplace discrimination. We have experience representing employees and their rights in employment discrimination claims and want to bring you the reassurance and individualized legal counsel we provide to all our clients. Workplace discrimination causes harm, and we want to help you determine the best path forward to protect yourself. Our firm has years of experience with several employee rights claims, making us qualified to understand the many unique aspects of your specific discrimination case.
At the Law Offices of Corbett H. Williams, we know the stress and worry that comes from facing workplace discrimination. We have experience representing employees and their rights in employment discrimination claims and want to bring you the reassurance and individualized legal counsel we provide to all our clients. Workplace discrimination causes harm, and we want to help you determine the best path forward to protect yourself. Our firm has years of experience with several employee rights claims, making us qualified to understand the many unique aspects of your specific discrimination case.
The state anti-discrimination law is the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA). Employers can’t discriminate against their employees based solely on the following protected characteristics under the FEHA:
Federal laws cover similar protected categories as state laws. In addition to the state law of FEHA, there are several federal laws in place to prohibit discrimination by employers, including:
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is a U.S. agency responsible for employment regulations, preserving worker rights. If you believe your employer is discriminating against you based on a protected category that violates federal law, you should file a complaint with the EEOC. This will allow you to gain the right to sue and file a lawsuit.
Favoritism and preferential treatment can be frustrating and create resentment in the workplace, but it’s not an illegal practice. Your employer may reward another employee in a way that doesn’t reflect their work output, whether because they’re related or because they prefer the employee.
This practice only becomes illegal if they’re passing over you for preferential treatment because of a protected characteristic. Determining the subtle difference between standard preferential treatment and preferential treatment based on discrimination can be tricky.
Employment discrimination cases are complex. You need to file the correct paperwork with certain agencies, and follow the complex legal procedures from there. You could unfortunately be working against your employer if they decide to retaliate against you or otherwise cover up their discriminatory actions.
This is a process made much simpler with exceptional legal counsel. An experienced workplace discrimination attorney can determine the best steps for your situation. They will also know what evidence you need to collect to prove discrimination. Often, this includes proof that your work as an employee was satisfactory, and that your lack of promotion, firing, or another action committed against you was not based on your performance. It may also include proof that the employer was negatively biased against a protective characteristic.
An attorney can help you find and record this evidence, file a complaint to the EEOC or state agency, and work with you through the civil proceedings. When you hire a lawyer experienced with workplace discrimination, they will understand the intricacies of cases like yours, and how to handle your claim most effectively. Having legal representation will take the stress off of you, and give you a better chance at winning your claim.
A discrimination claim must show that you as an employee had a negative action taken against you. This negative action caused you a disadvantage and was partially motivated by discrimination. These actions may include:
Proving that these actions were based on discriminatory attitudes can be difficult. An Anaheim employment discrimination lawyer will know what evidence needs to be gathered and if your case is substantial.
An employer may have both legal and illegal reasons for their negative actions, and you don’t have to prove that they were motivated only by discrimination. You do have to prove that it was part of their motivation. Employers are often unwilling to admit to discriminatory behavior, so you and your attorney must gather the necessary evidence.
A: You have the right to search for and hold employment without discrimination. If you experience discrimination for race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation, you can file a claim against your employer or a potential employer. You must make a complaint to either the federal agency EEOC or the state agency Civil Right Department (formerly the Department of Fair Employment and Housing) to obtain a Right to Sue notice. You are then able to file a claim.
A: If you’re filing on a federal level, you have to file with the EEOC 180 days from the date the most recent act of discrimination occurred. If the charge is also covered by state or local law, then the deadline becomes 300 days. The EEOC determines whether they will act on your complaint themself or send you a right to sue. If your claim falls under the Equal Pay Act, there is no timeframe, and you don’t need to go through the EEOC.
A: Discrimination in California happens when an employer treats you negatively or passes you over for promotions and raises on the basis of your gender, race, sexual orientation, pregnancy, religion, or other protected characteristics. Favoritism is not always indicative of discrimination, but if it’s because you are part of a protected group, it is illegal.
A: If you are experiencing workplace discrimination, you can file to gain the right to sue. Then, you can file a claim and provide evidence to show you are being discriminated against. You may receive compensation for what you’ve lost. This could include wages, legal fees, emotional and mental damages, and even punitive damages.
If you’re suffering from workplace discrimination, you should contact the Law Offices of Corbett H. Williams for expert legal advice. The sooner you begin to work with us, the more effectively we can support you and advocate for your worker’s rights. When we work on your claim in the early stages, we can be sure you don’t miss any deadlines and have more time to prepare a successful claim.
The law offices of Corbett H. Williams takes most employee cases on a contingency fee basis
meaning that if we take your case, you pay nothing unless we recover for you.
If you are the victim of unlawful employment practices, including wrongful termination, sexual harassment, discrimination, or have not been paid all wages and benefits you are entitled to, the Law Offices of Corbett H. Williams can help. Call us today at 949-528-4220, or take a moment to fill out an online contact form for a prompt response. Delay could result in the loss of your claim, so don’t wait.
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The Law Offices of Corbett H. Williams is always prepared to get clients started down the road to a more secure future. Take the first step and contact the firm today. The attorney will take care to answer questions and help decide what the most effective next step can be.